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One edge
hanging over the mountain--
the Milky Way


coolness lingers on a dewy day
loon mourning in the lake
--one red leaf falls


Rachel Green said...

Oh! I love this. So soulful

Jenn Jilks said...

Thank you so much! I appreciate your saying so.

Area 17 said...

I love the simplicity of the photograph it's stunning!

Did you take it? I'd love to see more of your work on this site.

I feel you have a gift for tanka type poetry, I was wondering if you used the five line set up for a while it might bring out more of a tanka? e.g.


coolness lingers on a dewy day
loon mourning in the lake
--one red leaf falls


coolness lingers
on a dewy day
the loon mourns

in the lake
one red leaf falls

all my best,
With Words Online Haiku Competition Results

Jenn Jilks said...

Alan, I think you're trying to teach an old dog new tricks! I will have to research tanka, though. Thanks for the suggestion.

Area 17 said...

Hi Jenn!

You're younger than me! Don't get too daunted by tanka when you research it, as you already have a tanka voice!

Area 17
Alan's BBC interview
Antony Gormley's Fourth Plinth

Kilauea Poetry said...

I got mixed up..of course I read your previous haiku..this is beautiful-