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One edge
hanging over the mountain--
the Milky Way


first cool day
not wanting to conceal
my pink pedicure


Beatrice V said...

Ahhhh!:) vanity... vanity.. Great one Nora!

Paul Smith said...

This works beautifully Nora. That it's a 'pink pedicure' grounds it so well. Made me smile, thank you.

Pan Haiku Review said...

Love it!

I wish I could share Karen's haiku but I don't think she's published it yet. ;-)

I shall have to tell she has competition in the 'girlie haiku' stakes now! ;-) That's Karen's term: "girlie haiku" ;-)

Area 17

diana l. said...

Simply cheerfully captured.

(My purple one had just begun to chip prior to these cool days.)

Rachel Green said...

lovely indeed!