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One edge
hanging over the mountain--
the Milky Way


We laugh
Eating our apple pie
Like fools


Pan Haiku Review said...

I really like this!

We laugh
Eating our apple pie
Like fools

Do you need so many capital (uppercase) letters in so short a poem? Uppercase letters in haiku always make me think I should see it as an acrostic poem.

This is so alive and immediate as a haiku I don't want any distractions. ;-)

we laugh
eating our apple pie
like fools

Area 17

lightmanmumu said...

point taken, it's a habit I've formed

John McDonald said...

terrific - two zen monks

diana l. said...

Isn't being foolish wonderful? Lovely haiku.

Ram Krishna Singh said...

I can feel the joy in occasional foolishness!

Beatrice V said...

I love it!