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One edge
hanging over the mountain--
the Milky Way


untimely dusk
work unfinished, regretting
all the daydreams


Vida said...

My daughter's "mantra" exactly :) But, do not regret the daydreams, if they were pleasant:)

Devika Jyothi said...

nice, Beatrice...brings a smile :)


Beatrice V said...

:) Thanks Vida!

Pan Haiku Review said...

Daydreams are always good for haiku material! ;-)

all my very best

2010 With Words Haiku Competition: weblink

Kelly M. said...

untimely dusk -- ah, there's the rub! lovely, Beatrice.

Dennis Tomlinson said...

A common experience!

Beatrice V said...

Thank you all... the days are too short sometimes for both, work and daydreams:)