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One edge
hanging over the mountain--
the Milky Way


lashing rain
in the morning darkness
the hiss of tyres

edited 4:30 pm. Thanks Alan


Pan Haiku Review said...

the hiss of tyres
in morning darknes
rain lashes down

Some alternatives (and losing the typo):

lashing rain
the hiss of car tyres
in morning darkness

morning darkness
the hiss of car tyres
in the rain

morning darkness
the hiss of HGV tyres
in the rain

This reminds me of a poem I wrote about the sound of tyres at night while it was raining.

It can be an amazing and comforting sound, as long, of course, as no car or lorry crashes into your building. ;-)

1000 Verse Renga Project

Rachel Green said...

Thank you Alan. Your help appreciated as always. I liked your second version best, I think.