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One edge
hanging over the mountain--
the Milky Way


en memorium

trees shed yellow leaves
geese slip out from the cold
my mother exhales

how fast the leaves turned
from green to burnt sienna
at her departure

a wind-blown oak leaf
twirled against the passing clouds
now the air is still


David said...

These are beautiful diana

Vida said...

I agree-poetic and powerful!
Diana, I am sorry for your loss! Keep writing, it will help…

Möme said...

I like particularly the last one. I'm sorry for your loss, Diana!

Pan Haiku Review said...

I'm so sorry about your loss. These are very moving poems.


diana l. said...

Thank you all. (I like the last one best, too, Mome!) Vida, I do plan to write - a lot. In fact, I just bought a leather unlined journal with a year- old bookstore gift card to write letters "to" my mother. (The card must have been waiting for this time...)

Spiros Zafiris said...

.diana l., i'm sorry you
lost your mother; writing helps;
very strong poem you have shared,

Reihaisha said...

I can only image how wounded you are. My prayers are with you and your family...

Kelly M. said...

Diana -- the loss of a parent is so hard. Your words are a beautiful tribute to her.

diana l. said...

Thank you, everyone.

My mother was quite creative and literary. Had her family been able to afford her a college education, I'm certain she would have become an art or English teacher. It's somewhat surreal that were she still alive, she would have been one of the people with whom I would have shared these haiku. (I had the same strange thought when writing her eulogy; under different circumstances, she would have been my proof-reader.)